Issue 24: Over 20,000 Google workers fight back!
02 Nov 2018
20,000 Google workers in 50 different cities walked off the job yesterday to protest the company’s mishandling of sexual harassment claims, among many other issues.

A photo from yesterday's walkout
The walkout was organized in less than a week, seizing the moment after news broke that Google had let a sexual abuser, Andy Rubin, leave with a $90 million exit package.
Here’s why the #GoogleWalkout organizers walked off the job, in their own words.
The New York Times published an article about Google’s history of harassment, discrimination, support for abusers, and the people whose lives and careers become collateral damage in the process. The article provided a narrow window into a culture we, as Google employees, know well. These stories are our stories. We share them in hushed tones to trusted peers, friends, and partners. There are thousands of us, at every level of the company. And we’ve had enough.
During the #GoogleWalkout, a female employee recounted her personal story which happened during her time working at YouTube, a Google company. Surrounded by fellow employees at the company headquarters in Mountain View, California, she recalled a team outing where a male colleague asked to switch drinks. That is her last memory of the night. A team lead later told her that he saw her being led away from the festivities when she was compromised, and he had intervened to take her to a safe place. She escalated to HR, who instructed her to remain on the same team as her harasser.
“The first thing that HR did was silence me. They made it clear that I was the problem,” said the employee. “I lasted on that team for three months. Every day, I went into work. I cried in the car for an hour, and I went into work and faced my harasser until I could not do it anymore, and I left that team.”
… We walked out because tech industry business as usual is failing us. Google paying $90M to Andy Rubin is one example among thousands, which speak to a company where abuse of power, systemic racism, and unaccountable decision-making are the norm. From Maven, to Dragonfly, to a $90M sexual harassment bonus, it’s clear that we need real structural change, not adjustments to the status quo.
… All employees and contract workers across the company deserve to be safe. Sadly, the executive team has demonstrated through their lack of meaningful action that our safety is not a priority. We’ve waited for leadership to fix these problems, but have come to this conclusion: no one is going to do it for us. So we are here, standing together, protecting and supporting each other. We demand an end to the sexual harassment, discrimination, and the systemic racism that fuel this destructive culture.
If you’re a worker who participated in @GoogleWalkout, or a worker seeking support to make sure you can take action safely, workers across the industry & community members are on standby. We can’t provide legal aid, but we can provide help and solidarity. If you have experienced any retaliation or threats of retaliation, regardless of your location, please contact us at or call or text +1 (650) 516-6792.

@GoogleWalkout on Twitter / Source
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Song Of The Week
Zounds - Subvert
If you gotta job
You can be an agent
You can work for revolution
In your place of employment
If you gotta job you can be an agent
You can work for revolution in your place of employment
If you work in a factory throw a spanner in the works
Internal sabotage, hit them where it hurts
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If you gotta job
Where they treat you like a slave
Where they treat you like a zombie
In their corporate grave