Practical Solidarity: Action for Next Week’s Teach-In

13 Oct 2022

Next week is the start of our first intergenerational teach-in on tech, labor, and organizing. We have 32 presenters hosting 13 workshops and roundtables over three days, Oct. 19–21. See the final schedule, register, and donate to our event accessibility fund at

A multi-colored wavy abstract art image

Let's all get together next week?

The Worker’s Perspective

It’s been a year in the making, with many decades of history before it, but our first teach-in starts next week. Today’s newsletter includes a few updates we want to share with you.

Why an intergenerational teach-in?

To imagine better futures, we look to history as a teacher. We as a collective believe that workers in tech are and have always been historical actors, but learning from history in tech – even the past few years – is challenging. We also believe history shows that reforms have never been enough to unite workers across race and class and create a world where we can live with joy and self-determination. So, in this teach-in, we will celebrate our elders, gather wisdom from history, and use it to guide our future organizing.

Program and Schedule

We have a mix of 13 workshops and roundtables with 32 presenters, featuring many elders who have organized many decades ago, including:

See our full program, schedule, and presenter list at


For a positive and lasting experience at the teach-in, we recommend people invite friends and friendly coworkers to form groups and attend together. You can join the full event, or specific sessions. Sign up at

Event Accessibility Fund

Inequality is growing in and around tech, but mutual aid unites us across race, class, & workplaces. That’s why we set up a fund for our teach-in. The event is free, but we realize people have financial needs related to taking time to attend a 3-day event (lost wages from missing work, child care, etc.). People can request up to $500, no questions asked. Our goal is to collect $15,000 to cover mutual aid requests and event accessibility costs, and as of today the fund has about $6,000. If you need funds to attend, register for the teach-in and we’ll follow-up. And if you have the means to help fellow workers attend, please consider a suggested donation of $50–500 to our Open Collective.

See you at the teach-in! For questions or ideas, email